Sunday, February 6, 2011

Harley Davidson Birthday Printables

über das Gebet vor dem Essen

Finally, the tests are over and you have time to get on more useful things thoughtfully.
What actually the prayer before meals for a reference?
there my historical research just prepares no fun, I'll stay in the subjective present. Many who call themselves Christian fold, not only at home at the table, but also in the cafeteria, restaurants and fast food chains his hands, nodding their heads and pray aloud or in silence.
When I was with my former youth group Elbingeröder the way, some would always pray before eating at McDonalds, to show we are Christians, but it will also others, like me, it was again embarrassed. But prayer as a ritual was
ME characters never missionary. For what I need then your prayer at the table? Hands folded, thinking of God, to thank for the meal and the McDonlads or in the cafeteria? Places where it only junk food is a C02 + balance, fall where angels from the clouds. Can one be grateful at all for food, or rather for the chemist makes it possible to create such wonderful taste in the form of e-materials? Or I would like to thank some of the delicious work of the European fishing trawlers with their mega that suck the sea is empty and deprive Somali fishermen existence, so that they emulate ado Captain Sparrow? Inevitably, I have ventured
an experiment. A good half a year I before eating or praying, still thankful, even looked up or down, or even not even my hands for joy at this wonderful meal lifted into the sky.
The result is a much deeper relationship between eating, God and me. Läßtige traditions were thrown overboard. The consequences were grateful Unselbstverstänlichkeit and moderation, from me and wonder how to let God and the food stuck in miraculöser way together.
Now I can pray, meditate in a different way untratditionellen over eating. Where does it come
? Is it healthy for me? What Jesus said and did, and other smart people and with food? Have I I earned? Did everyone at the table here and in the international community enough? It tastes each? I eat too much or too little? Where is God in the food?
is to pray before eating, worrying about the food, wait for an answer and then loudly or softly, in a group or alone formulate and ultimately the answer to his own prayer be: sustainable shopping and have it taste are: - )


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