Wednesday, September 29, 2010

How To Print On Iron Metal

29. September 2010; Auf den Spuren der Vergangenheit 2

The fire Beckenried me make a few more pictures to come, and has also linked from my blog on your homepage.

Check it out purely

Monday, September 27, 2010

Drivers For Opptiplex Gx620 Windows Seven

blog about the first Bavarian aviator

Waldmünchen / Bad Heilbrunn (blog-world) - The "Christl-Marie Schultes Blog" reports on the first Bavarian aviator Christl Marie-Schultes (1904-1976), actually Maria Rosalia Schultes. She came in 1904 in Geigant Waldmünchen (Upper Palatinate) to the world and grew from 1907 in Oberenzenau in Bad Heilbrunn (Upper Bavaria). In 1928 she became the first woman to fly from Bavaria. Because of their origin from a forester's family, she was often "Ranger Christl" called. The life of Marie-Christl was adventurous and provides ample material for novels and movies. She was one of the first female pilot in Germany.



Ernst Probst: queens of the skies in Germany, Munich 2010

Ernst Probst: queens of the skies in Europe, Munich 2010

Ernst Probst: queens of the skies from A to I, Munich 2010

Ernst Probst / Josef Eimannsberger: Three queens of the skies from Bavaria. Thea Knorr - Christian-Marie Schultes - Lisl Schwab, Munich 2010

Ernst Probst / Theo Lederer : Christl-Marie Schultes. The first Bavarian aviator, Munich 2010 (in preparation)

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Infant Diarrhea Images

WS 2010/11

India is behind Anne and me. It was terrific. We came from the smile and not look out. The harder was the reintegration after German country. But Leipzig has taken us with his charm and people again. :-) Traderjob Leipzig is under the "Places to go to" place the Ten NYTimes 2010th So not all Leipziger, since their welcome. Now it's back again to semester. A written exam will be taken down must: - / and the 37 degrees - our "We want to be Geimeinde gründunsprojekt, but not so with is Swiss very core but open and innovative, relevant, modern, mh but that is all about" project is (mentally) vorran something.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Pains In My Legs When Driving

22. September 2010; Heckauszug, Montage der Grundplatte

did today I again create a little in the rear extension.

The screen printing plate was 12mm with M8 screws and nuts screwed on the statement

So far so good .... now goes to consider which tool is where. In the center is to get the spare his place. A structure with which one can fold out the spare, so it must not be lifted from the plate is high, in the think tank.

Marriage Invitation Humourus Quotes

Samuel Enderli: Weblogs - a communication-theoretical analysis

Samuel Enderli: weblog - is a communication-theoretical analysis

The study by using the sociological systems theory, Luhmann's the question of what Weblogs actually are. is first tried, computer-mediated to distinguish communication from other forms of communication. The frequently find dialogue metaphor that says, Internet communication works similar to face-to-face communication, is opposed to a system-theoretical proposal of Internet-based communication. This may well be described as interactive, but not to function as interaction. In the following weblogs are analyzed as a form in the medium of the Internet. A distinction is made between the operational level of communication and the various self-and other description variants. Based on this (empirischen!) difference is shown that neither operationally Weblogs seen as mass media (a common description) or as electronic diaries (Another description) to work, but its own form of communication with their own laws are. The idea that blogs are "better" mass media is contradicted. However, it is asked, what a reaction to the new medium's blog on the "old" mass media, without, however, claim that weblogs could displace the mass media. That is because they work elsewhere as mass media and thus not a substitute, but can "only" be complementary. It searches for forms in old media, which have only been through blogs at all possible. Conversely, in the new medium Weblog forms are identified, resulting from the imitation of older media.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Rebuilding A Sunfish Sailboat

11. September 2010; Originalembleme

After I have long pondered back and forth, how can I fix the original emblems I have decided on the tape version. Will hold already :-)

the MOWAG sticker I will leave as the last sign of recognition.

The emblem der Motorbezeichnung fehlt leider noch. Diese sind sehr schwer zu finden, zumindest ohne dass noch ein Auto dranhängt.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Can You Move Out Of Sims And Not Lose Your

11. September 2010; Auf den Spuren der Vergangenheit

Mit freundlicher Genehmigung der Feuerwehr Beckenried, bei der mein Mowag als Atemschutzfahrzeug im Einsatz stand, hier einige Bilder aus der Einsatzvergangenheit meines Monsters.


Monday, September 6, 2010

Kiss Lipstick Portfolio Tattoo

Feed Magazine: A print media for Web content

Berlin (blog-world) - On: on - Orders of the pocket book "is a communication-theoretical analysis of Weblogs" 1. December 2010 appears the first time the feed magazine, a free-range strong print media for Web content. The feed magazine is a medium for bloggers, social networkers and online media of all kinds; the bloggers and networks is a forum to draw attention to themselves, the readers a guide to interesting sites on the World Wide Web.

The feed magazine has a circulation of 200,000 copies will be distributed in the inner city districts of Berlin and is available in the entire German-speaking countries available for free. Distribution partner is the German Post AG.

This summer has already published a preliminary output that can be ordered free of charge at A PDF version of the preview issue is available on available for free download.

PDF download the Preview Edition:


About Feed magazine:

The "Feed" is in many ways quite new and represents several different perspectives is a bridge:

Es bringt seinen Lesern attraktive Angebote im Netz nahe und vermittelt ihnen auf unterhaltsame Weise weitergehende Kenntnisse über die Nutzungsmöglichkeiten des Internets. Das Feed-Magazin verringert so die Kluft zwischen den „Nerds“ und Netzaktivisten einerseits und denjenigen, die sich im Internet noch nicht wie ein Fisch im Wasser bewegen andererseits.

Die Macher des Feed-Magazins verstehen sich nicht als „Gatekeeper“, die ihre Leser bevormunden, sondern bieten ihnen an, sich an der Gestaltung der Inhalte zu beteiligen; es gibt das Angebot an die Leser, Themen vorzuschlagen, über Themen abzustimmen und eigene Beiträge einzureichen, die honoriert werden, wenn sie in die Print-Ausgabe gewählt werden.

"feed" will help reduce the gap between the boys and the families of the older generation in terms of lack of access of seniors to become important and increasingly important mass medium of our time. Because of this clientele is not yet or only very slowly on the web is moving, it can be accessed via online services alone hardly is in a large number of free home delivered newspaper more likely.

The feed magazine reduced the gap between print and online:

The pronounced cross-media in conjunction with the corresponding Internet site

And with the new concept QR codes (Mobile Tags). All in the print edition enclosing links are defined as QR codes, which one with a standard phone can take pictures from, to be led so directly to the relevant website can.

The Feed "is published 10 times a year. Get detailed information on For more information or interview requests, please contact Simon Grünke under the above at any time.


Contact: Phone

Simon Grünke
: 030 / 2025 3601
Fax: 030 / 2025 3333
simon.gruenke @

Media GmbH Friedrichstraße
activist 90, 10117 Berlin
owner and CEO:
Karsten Marowski

Thursday, September 2, 2010

How Get Handyman General Liability

Infos ueber indien erstemal auf Annes blog: