Monday, February 15, 2010

Stomach Flu Then Late Period

blog information about prehistoric big cats

Wiesbaden (blog-world) - Who is interested in big cats from the distant past, is on several blogs in word and image and some information with video clips:

The cave lions blog at deals with the European cave lion (Panthera leo spelaea), the American Cave Lion (Panthera leo spelaea) and the East Siberian cave caves (Panthera leo vereshchagini). The saber-toothed cats

blog at and the saber-tooth tiger Blog report saber-tooth cats (formerly known as saber-toothed tiger) and dagger-toothed cats.

The big cats blog at information on saber-toothed cats, dagger-toothed cats, European jaguars, lions Mosbacher, European cave lions, Amerikanische Höhlenlöwen, Ostsibirische Höhlenlöwen, Leoparden, Geparden und Pumas.


Literatur zum Thema:

Ernst Probst: Höhlenlöwen. GRIN, München 2009
Ernst Probst: Säbelzahnkatzen. GRIN, München 2009


Inhalt des Taschenbuches „Höhlenlöwen“:

Eiszeitliche Löwen aus Europa, Asien und Amerika stehen im Mittelpunkt des Taschenbuches „Höhlenlöwen. Raubkatzen im Eiszeitalter“ des Wiesbadener Wissenschaftsautors Ernst Probst. Es beginnt mit dem riesigen Mosbacher Löwen (Panthera leo fossilis), der nach etwa 600.000 Jahre alten Funden aus dem ehemaligen Mosbach village near Wiesbaden in Hessen is named. This Mosbacher lion is with a total length of up to 3.60 meters as the largest lion ever in Germany and Europe. His body length was about 2.40 meters, 1.20 meters further tailor its tail. From this magnificent big cat is the European cave lion (Panthera leo spelaea), who lived during the ice age (Pleistocene) from about 300,000 to 10,000 years in Europe. Even bigger than the lion Mosbacher and the European Cave Lion was the American Cave Lion (Panthera leo atrox) from the ice age about 100,000 to 10,000 years ago. He is presented as well as of some 40,000 to 10,000 years existierende Ostsibirische Höhlenlöwe (Panthera leo vereshchagini), den man auch Beringia-Höhlenlöwe nennt. Weitere Kapitel befassen sich mit Höhlenlöwen in der Kunst der Eiszeit, Löwenfunden in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz, eiszeitlichen Raubkatzen in Deutschland und Löwen der Gegenwart. Geschildert wird auch der Ablauf des von starken Klimaschwankungen geprägten Eiszeitalters in Deutschland.

Bestellung des Taschenbuches "Höhlenlöwen" bei "GRIN":


Inhalt des Taschenbuches „Säbelzahnkatzen“:

Säbelzahnkatzen oder Saber tooth tiger, as they were called earlier fascination since time immemorial, people all over the world. These big cats and, in extreme cases up to 28 inches long canines are among the best known prehistoric mammals. The first of them already raced in the Miocene about 15 million years ago on our "Blue Planet". The last disappeared towards the end of the Ice Age 11,700 years ago, forever out of nature. With these more or less impressive big cats is addressed in Paperback "saber-toothed cats" of the Wiesbaden science author Ernst Probst. It is in Germany, Europe, Africa, Asia and America discovered species of saber-toothed cats and dagger-toothed cats and other prehistoric predators before: namely, Mosbacher lions, cave lions, European jaguars, leopards, snow leopards, cheetahs and pumas. The idea for this paperback about saber-toothed cats matured during the search for the 2009 was released the titles "The Ur-Rhine. Rheinhessen ten million years "and" cave lions. Wild cats in Ice Age "by Ernst Probst. For this it was often to saber-toothed cats and dagger toothed cats. The paperback "saber-toothed cats" is Professor Dr. Helmut Hemmer of Mainz, Thomas Keller from Wiesbaden and Dick Mol of Hoofddorp (Netherlands) perspectives. Professor Dr. Helmut Hemmer is an internationally renowned expert in fossil cats and was formerly at the Zoological Institute of the University of Mainz active. Dr. Thomas Keller works as a paleontologist at the State Conservation Office in Wiesbaden, Hessen and has made outstanding contributions to the study of the Mosbach sands and its fossil fauna. Dick Mol is an expert on fossil mammals from the ice age (especially mammoth) from Hoofddorp (Netherlands). All three have often helped the author with great patience during the research for different books. Ernst Probst has published over 30 books and paperbacks. The most famous of his works "Germany in prehistoric times", "Germany in the stone age" are "Germany in the Bronze Age," "records of ancient times", "Dinosaurs in Germany" (with Raymund Windolf) "Records of the primitive man" and "monsters on the track."

order of the pocket book "saber-toothed cats":


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