Monday, November 22, 2010

Bang Bros Movie Series

aus " Al-Kaida ist eine Art Geisteshaltung"

also have to meet all the people first and foremost as human beings - and not as Christians, Jews, atheists or whatever. [Hamed Abdel-Samad]

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Very Smelly Pee And Gas

Peter Rollins

A post thinkers I just try to understand. It is difficult for me. Its very fast language, comical dialect and the complicated thoughts make this possible.

your blog:

The book: ? ie = UTF8 & s = books-intl-de & qid = 1290037299 & sr = 8-1-spell

A Video:

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Free South Park Ipod Touch

Petition gegen "Buß- und Bettag"

Why Repentance and Prayer is pretty much what's his name ? Penance has something of breast and "Bet" I think of vegetables. No, clearly, ne yet: the religious repentance means turning to God, surely with the help of prayer, a meditation form of Christianity. But why, why, why?

A miracle is again the Greek meaning of repentance: rethinking. Rethinking sin to purity, from hatred to love, from nuclear power to renewable energy sources, from illness to health, from greed to lust, from war to peace, from selfishness to God.

So: Let us emphasize the incomprehensible holiday tomorrow and we practice the "holiday of rethinking."

Monday, November 1, 2010

Sorority Funny Award Idea

Das Beste an Selbstkritik ist: Man darf drüber lachen: hahahahaha