Wednesday, June 10, 2009

How To Get Married In Mount And Blade Taleworlds

Making of NOTHING NEW.

OLEK of KILLS FASHION PERSONALITY posted some time ago a detailed making of his Esponate on his blog - and that may not be missing here. have

as we all (fashion kills personality and the pleasure gäng) at some point started with graffiti, we used this compound as a base for a long-planned collaboration. the concept of the exhibition was to us to be inspired by 5 different pieces
to create something new and at the same time to develop the old to pay respect.

then when we had the 5 writer and selected pieces, it seemed no longer at so easy to implement the concept, as it is thought. I wanted to create something new with my interpretation, but neither name nor should remember the elegant host.

then suddenly everything went as I wrote to texts by themselves. feelings of events, and images that came to me the pieces in the head. I wanted to somehow bring this to my exhibits - so I built the first 3 complete pleadings as stamps.

said than done. and now I had a rough idea as slowly as I look like exhibits should: used, rotten materials. containing nothing new. the question of where I timber formats on the fast several that are so scruffy that I liked again get, responded to very quickly and above all by themselves. put on one, I accidentally visited this afternoon on a walk, I found the contents of a bag that I had hidden there in the last year, distributed in the wet leaves. 15 painted wood panels. exhibits from the exhibition INVISIBLE SPRAY. why they were there and when that was probably, I open another time.

after days of dry set out. a couple of Sparvar dedicated and multonas from my shelf. wore the stamp on otr ink. solvents, a good mix of all sorts really made quite a few evenings. parallel I built with much help from mitch matching frame and printed with the help of I plotted films made for the limited NO NEW MARKER. Marked are my graphical implementation of the concept. a combination of old and new designs, materials and regulations.

More on Fashion Kills Personality here and

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Pain In Left Breast Immediately After Period

opening the third.

Shortly before the end of the exhibition here, a whole series of other pictures of the vernissage. Only up to next Saturday's even "nothing new." to see!

We will then start following it, the issue here content work up a little. It is worthwhile to remain, stop by here every now and then!

Photos: Aleks van Sputto

Sunday, April 5, 2009

How Do I Convert Hdmi To Vga

opening, the second one.

Onlyforphoto gave us a series of beautiful pictures of the Opening send.
Thank you very much!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Stomach Virus Cramping Symptoms Fart


Some pictures of the building the night before the opening.

Photos: Aleks van Sputto

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Watch Nightmare Campus Episode 4 Online

Thank you! The opening

Thank you to everyone who attended the opening last night! And thanks for the many discussions and the numerous positive and critical comments!

In the next few days: many more pictures of the vernissage, issued by the images and objects, making-ofs and much more ...

here before the first impressions of the opening.

Photos: Aleks van Sputto

Friday, March 27, 2009

How Often Replace Fire Entinguiosher

- tonight!

This evening will be held from 19 clock the opening of the exhibition at the Gallery Glanzkinder .

Everyone is welcome!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Motorless Vacuum Sweepers

Still more on "nothing new."

Graffiti also in crisis boom: The Aesthetics of long condemned American culture abused by the advertising industry, during which it inspired art is now already well-established monetary system on the hochpretentiösen and elitist art market represents. All too often gets forgotten, however, that what is sold today as a new, rebellious and revolutionary, already in a long tradition, is the appropriate reference should be established.

five selected works of famous sprayer used to bygone eras Fashion Personality and The Pleasure Kills Gäng as an exemplary basis and inspiration for their own very personal relationship with graffiti visually enforce the scene: To a world that has at its core really the antithesis to mainstream and aesthetically pleasing in itself.

The exhibited works are reminiscent in form and presentation may only be removed from their role models, but they are all expressions of a deep awareness of a history that is preserved, from which it is to emancipate themselves but also deliberately.
Nothing new?

The exhibition opens on 27th with a private view March 2009 by 19 clock and opened up to 18 April in the Glanzkinder Gallery shown in Cologne.